Make Sure You See Future Posts


The Wealth Span is now being hosted and sent from another platform.

It is easy for a new emails to accidentally slip into the Spam folder, it even happened to me and my very own email in the test process.

With the emails headed straight to Spam, you will not see the content and receive the value provided by any future newsletter posts.

To be 100% certain that you will receive all future posts - follow the steps below.

1/ Look in your Spam or Junk folder for an email like the one below.

Today's post was titled "Books Standing the Test of Time" and was sent around 6:15 AM or so.

2/ Instantly label it "Not Junk" with a click in the email options.

There might be three dots to click or some similar step to reach the options bar. Most providers have a way to label the email "Not Junk" quickly and easily.

3/ Reply 'Got it!' or your favorite fast-to-type phrase to today's email/post.

By replying, you alert your email service that the sender is safe and that you would like to receive future emails.

4/ For an added measure, slide the email to your inbox!

For whatever reason, sometimes emails fall into other folders. This is an additional way to make sure future posts are delivered straight to you.

Thank you!

Creating each post has been a great way for me to learn more about investing, financial planning, and even life generally. I hope it's been the same experience for you too.

The feedback from many readers is always good to hear, and I hope that the future posts will continue to provide value to each of you.

I appreciate each of you and your support!

